Student of the Month

Flip Savior's Student of The Month

💐Christina Fitch 💐

- Individual Investment -

Christina Fitch

Student of The Month

 Christina has been phenomenal throughout this entire process and her work has been so stellar we have actually added some on her work to our actual process for the students. She has a great attitude, always a pleasure to work with, and her knowledge of real estate is impressive.

Stellar work, Mrs. Fitch!

Flip Savior's Student of The Month

💐Willyce Felder 💐

- Group Investment -

Willyce Felder

Student of The Month

 For outstanding work on homework assignments in which she showed incredible insight and understanding of the process. Mrs. Felder has not only showed a willingness to do the work, but also expressed a sincere desire to master the material. Her work improves every single week and it has been a pleasure to watch her progress.

Her work has been inspiring so far and we are blessed to have her on our team.

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